This error seemed to pop up in early July 2024. It happened to about a third of all Anydesk installs I'm aware of, which is several dozen at least.
Copy and run this in an Administrator Command Prompt to fix it: Note, if you are in powershell, type "cmd" and hit enter to get to command prompt before pasting it. Copy to Clipboard
taskkill /f /im anydesk.exe
rd /s /q "C:\programData\Anydesk"
rd /s /q "%appdata%\Anydesk"
Here is the manual version of the above fix. 1: Close Anydesk, if there is an icon in the System Tray (near the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen), right click on it and Quit it. 2: Delete or rename the Anydesk folder found here: C:\ProgramData\Anydesk 3: Delete or rename the Anydesk folder found here: C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Roaming\Anydesk (Change MyUsername to your username!) 4: Start Anydesk. Here is a video showing the manual fix. |