Select the category below below that best matches your question or issue. You can also use the Search feature to find it.

AI - Artificial Intelligence
Computer Hardware This category contains all common computer hardware.
Computer Software All program specific items appear here
Electronics Other Electronics, not computers specifically
Email Services Microsoft 365, Gmail, Google Workspace, Self Hosted Email Servers
Issues Quickly find fixes for common issues here
Local Stuff that is region specific
Network Routers, Switches, VPN's, Wifi, VLAN's
OS (Operating Systems) Win10, Win11, Linux, OSX
Other Stuff
Phones, Tablets, VOIP, PBX, FAX Android, IOS, Cellular, and other related items
Printers 3D Printers, Inkjet, Laser
Programming + Scripting Batch Files, Powershell, VBScript
Recommended Configurations and Policies
Servers + Cloud Computing
Shopping + Buy Stuff

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