To run a powershell script automatically using Task Scheduler, set the program to [ powershell.exe ] and the Add Arguments field to [ -File "PathToScript.ps1" ].
Link to more info on setting it. If you have errors running powershell scripts, you need to run this command in an Admin Powershell window: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned To run a powershell script and hide the powershell window, use this: PowerShell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Path\To\Script.ps1" Below are some powershell scripts I created which may be useful for you. AD-CheckComputers - Query Active Directory for a list of all computers, check each computer to see it's OS, if it is online, IP, last login time, and current users. Download AD-CheckComputers.ps1 FastPing - Ping multiple devices quickly - Use this to watch devices ping times, calculate ping losses, see when devices go offline. Double click a line to see more details. Download FastPing.ps1 FlashTest - Test flash storage - This creates random data on a drive which can be validated by hashing. This will detect any corruption that is located within the files. Fill a drive up and if any file does not read exactly the same, you can tell which files have corruption. Download FlashTest.ps1 Scan Network / Check for open TCP Ports - Use this tool I wrote to scan all devices on the LAN, find names/MAC's, and open ports. Download Test-TCP_Probe.ps1 ScreenCapture - Take periodic screenshots of a computer screen. I use this to monitor my sons computer (he knows I do this), I save the files to a network share and I periodically review them. You can specify the folder to save them in, the file format, and the interval between captures (I use 5 minutes). It detects if the computer is idle (no mouse movements) and doesn't continue until the mouse moves. Download ScreenCapture.ps1 | |
Active Directory - Get Users last login time Add full size logo to images CPU Stress Test in Powershell Create copy of folder/drive on another path, iterate folder name with each copy Create copy of folder/drive on another path, label with current date, keep last x copies Create daily exports of Hyper-V Virtual Machines Create files with random data in them of a specific size Debug another powershell process. I recommend using this in PSISE. Delete duplicate files found with a suffix like (Copy) Detect Keystrokes in console PowerShell scripts Determine if Powershell is running in GUI or not Exchange Commands Hotkeys Test List all installed programs on a computer Misc Snippets NSA shares tips on securing Windows devices with PowerShell Performance and Tips Powershell Script Assistance - GUI Editor Quick script to show all Hosts file from all online machines in Active Directory Regex Powershell Examples and Testing Set up SSH server for Powershell remote access Show all files created/modified in the last xx days Simple script to select the right backup drive where the drive letter may change Swap default printers using Powershell Script Sysmon Tray Icon Sample Uninstall Software matching name VSS - Shadows | |
Search Keywords: Scan, Network, Ping, TCP, Probe, Open, Analyze |