/t - Recursive /C - Continue after errors are found Add user as Owner of a folder icacls.exe d:\test /setowner domain\username /t /C Add user/group with Full permissions to a folder: icacls "C:\Folder" /grant Users:(OI)(CI)F /t /C Reset file/folder permissions to default (based on parent folder) (requires admin) icacls * /t /q /c /reset Another thing to try (taken from askvg link below): takeown /f foldername /r /d y icacls foldername /grant administrators:F /t icacls "C:\FolderName" /grant Administrators:(OI)(CI)F /t /C Regedit to add an option to File Explorer: https://www.askvg.com/add-take-ownership-option-in-file-folder-context-menu-in-windows-vista/ | |
Search Keywords: Windows, Security, NTFS, File, Permissions, ACL |