GuideIssuesNetworking - Ethernet + Wifi Show Wifi Settings/Issues Updated December 12 2024
Run from admin command prompt:

Copy to Clipboardnetsh wlan show wlanreport

After it is done, view the report: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WlanReport\wlan-report-latest.html

Show all available wifi networks
Copy to Clipboardnetsh wlan sh net mode=bssid

Show old saved SSID info:
Copy to Clipboardnetsh wlan show profile

Show a saved Wifi password (change MyNetwork to the name listed above:
Copy to Clipboardnetsh wlan show profile "MyNetwork" key=clear

Show Wifi connection log errors (remove '| Where-Object LevelDisplayName -EQ Error' to show all items, not just errors)
Copy to Clipboard Get-WinEvent -Logname Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig/Operational | Where-Object LevelDisplayName -EQ Error | fl *

Find and show ALL saved Wifi passwords
Copy to Clipboard $wifi = $(netsh.exe wlan show profiles) if ($wifi -match "There is no wireless interface on the system."){ Write-Output $wifi exit } $ListOfSSID = ($wifi | Select-string -pattern "\w*All User Profile.*: (.*)" -allmatches).Matches | ForEach-Object {$_.Groups[1].Value} $NumberOfWifi = $ListOfSSID.count Write-Warning "[$(Get-Date)] I've found $NumberOfWifi Wi-Fi Connection settings stored in your system $($env:computername) : " foreach ($SSID in $ListOfSSID){ try { $passphrase = ($(netsh.exe wlan show profiles name=`"$SSID`" key=clear) | Select-String -pattern ".*Key Content.*:(.*)" -allmatches).Matches | ForEach-Object {$_.Groups[1].Value} } catch { $passphrase = "N/A" } Write-Output "$SSID : $passphrase" }

Wireless Diagnostic View - A great utility to see more info about what Wireless connection is doing

A Powershell module with lots of Wifi features is available here:
Search Keywords: Wireless, wi-fi, 802.11b, profiles, Wifi, Wireless, Windows, SSID, 802.11b, PSK, Key, BSSID, Password, WPA2, WPA3, WEP

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