GuideComputer Hardware ChromeOS Asus CN62 + CN60 Updated August 11 2024
Install other OS

Remove write protect screw (silver screw near headphone jack)
Hold Recovery button (with paperclip) while powering on
Press CTRL-D
Press recovery button when prompted
wait for awhile for it to enable Developer mode
get to login screen
CTRL-ALT-F2 to get command line
cd; curl -LOk && sudo bash
Install UEFI Firmware

After a couple reboots, if it's stuck on glitched graphics for a few minutes, put in USB UEFI for OS

If you get the message "the device owner has disabled developer mode" Then login to the chromebox using a google account, then restart and put it into developer mode again (start over).
Search Keywords: Chromebox, Chromebook, UEFI, Windows, Asus CN62, CN60

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