Welcome to Helpful Tech Notes. I am a technician, and I started this website as a way to document information and fixes, primarily so I would have access to it while I was away from my computer. I've shared it with other technicians and customers, and based on the feedback I've decided to invest some time into making it look better and have more comprehensive information. None of this information is AI Generated (to our knowledge). All information has been looked over by myself or a select few other Admins. Most items here are not a complete walkthrough. You are expected to know the basics, if a command fails due to 'Access is denied' or similar, you should know how to open the Command Prompt as Administrator. We try to document the steps to make it very easy, however we may skip simple steps. If you have suggestions you can send them using the Contact page. If we missed some steps, or should reword or clarify something, please use the Contact page to let us know. You can click a category below or use the search box to try to find something quickly. The search box is the preferred method of finding what you are looking for. You will find a bias towards Windows information on this website. This is because I mostly use Windows, and most of my customers do as well. I only manage a handful of linux computers, and have a couple Mac's that I use for testing. If you have good information that I should include, please send it to me! We now have Amazon item searches enabled, if you do a search and we have no results in our Guides, it will automatically perform a search on Amazon. Only items EXACTLY matching your search will be shown, this makes finding a part for a computer easier, since if you search on Amazon it will find similar items which are often not the right model number.